There are many resources available for learning more about various mindfulness practices and the science of contemplative neuroscience. The ones listed below are a few of Jill’s favorites.
Free Community Mindfulness Sessions (online or via phone) at Mindfulness Center at Brown
Specific resources in response to COVID-19:
- Pandemic 101–A Crash Course by Katie Raines of Sanctuary Counseling Center
- Tricycle LIVE ONLINE SESSIONS in response to COVID-19
- Sharon Salzberg COVID-19 Resources
- Jack Kornfield Pandemic Resources
- Five tips for mindfully managing during a crisis (from Lesley University)
- Home practice resources from Insight Meditation Society
- Ten Percent Happier Coronavirus Sanity Guide
- Center for Healthy Minds COVID-19 Well-Being Toolkit and Resources
- Foundation for a Mindful Society COVID-19 resources
- Buddhism for beginners at
- Nancy Waring’s 10 minute guided meditation
- An introduction to walking meditation at Lion’s
- A short introduction to labyrinth walking at
- Tara Brach’s RAIN meditation introductory article and guided meditation
- Dr. Sara Lazar’s lab at Harvard University
- Center for Healthy Minds at University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Mind & Life Institute
- Mental Health & Self-Care Resources
- Coming to our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Aware: The Science of Practice and Presence by Dan Siegel
- Buddha: A Very Short Introduction by Michael Carrithers
- In the Buddha’s Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon by Bhikkhu Bodhi
- Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness by Sharon Salzberg
- The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology by Jack Kornfield
- Unlimiting Mind: The Radically Experiential Psychology of Buddhism by Andrew Olendzki
- Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body by Dan Goleman and Richie Davidson
- Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation by Dan Siegel